We packed over 2 weeks, and moved everything in 1 day. When I was googling how to move with kids, I didn't really find much information, so here are a few of my tips.
- Always pack the toys and books that they play with often last, and unpack them first. You want to make sure that your children have something that will be constant for them.
- Have extra large plastic garbage bags on hand for bedding you use the night before moving so that in the morning you just have to throw them in a bag, and they are easy to find the next day.
- TELL YOUR CHILDREN YOU ARE MOVING! I am a big fan of letting kids know what's going on to avoid tantrums. We did this about 3 weeks early when the boxes started to make an appearance. We counted down the sleeps (I recommend counting down sleeps instead of days) until we moved and talked about moving every day so that they could understand what was happening.
- Have someone take the kids to a park or play place while the truck is being loaded so that they are not in the way and so that they don't get hurt.
- Let them pack a box or suitcase of their toys so that they feel involved. We have a suitcase that is our oldest son's and they like to pack it whenever they go on vacation or away somewhere. They got to pack that themselves and felt like they got to take part too.
- Reassure them that you will be moving their toys, their books, their suitcase, their bed, the TV, whatever it is that they are asking about. No matter how many times they ask.
- If something in a box is important, write on that box "Unpack ASAP" or clearly write what is on it. We moved right before Halloween, and there is no way that I could lose those costumes!
One of the things that I tried to see from my toddler's point of view was that he has lived in the house we were in for his whole life (sure it may only be 3 years for me, but it was his whole life!) and this is a big change for him. He is still a bit unsure a week later, but he's getting more used to it. Moving houses, cities, or wherever you move to is a big deal for kids who don't know anything different. Take time to talk to them about their fears, and let them know what to look forward to. There may be new parks near by, an extra bathroom, maybe a playroom for all of their toys, you may be moving closer to a favorite relative, or friend.
I hope that this list helps some of you who may be moving with children, and good luck! Make sure to post your tips too!
LOVE this post!
ReplyDeleteI tried the whole "don't tell them we're moving" thing, and they figured it out. Alyssa would get tense and cranky all the time, etc etc. Granted, she was 6 months the first time we moved, the next time we moved she was 15 months and Hayden was a little over 1 month, so it's hard to talk to them about it. But I think I should have tried anyway. IF they understand what's going on and if they can be a part of it, it'll make it less "traumatic" or stressful for them too. When they are less cranky, so's mom (and/or dad)!
I agree with packing their toys last and unpacking first -- it gives them some familiarity in the new environment.
I hope you move went well and that your kids had a fabulous Halloween!!!!
Here's to a wonderful Christmas and New Year in a new home and a new adventure!
Your kids will have a blast :)
(Oh, and welcome "home" ;) hehe)