The Great Hockey Debate
Debate #1: My husband and his friends always debate the pros and cons of the different hockey games. Since I'm on here, I want to ask YOU which your husband prefers and why. Or better yet, have him jump on here and join the conversation. NHL2K11 by Take2 or NHL11 by EA. Both series feature hockey at it's best, both have similarities and both have differences. They come out at the same time of year (very soon) and the debate rages on.
Here are links to the different games:
NHL 11 for PS3
(out soon)
NHL 11 for the Xbox (out soon)
NHL 2K11 for the WII
(Currently available)
Debate #2: Do you let your kids play video games. Why or Why not? We have a V Motion by VTech. The controllers are wireless, the instructions are easy and most importantly the boys love it, and they play games geared towards counting, math, spelling, letters, etc. They can play together or separately. It gets them ready for the big gaming systems to come their way.
Games and parts are fairly inexpensive too!This is the VMotion. We have Thomas and Friends, Mickey Mouse
, Backyardigans, Wonder Pets
, A Sports one. It's seriously great! The boys are allowed to play for 10 minutes each per day and they love it! 
As for the hockey games, I couldn't really say because Peter and I don't play the sports video games. But, as far as I know, isn't EA trying to buy out Take 2 anyway? I remember a co-worker @ Sony commenting between the 2 companies when previous games had come out, but I don't recall which he preferred! Somehow, I think it was EA. But you may as well wait for another comment on that one.
ReplyDeleteAs for kids and video games, my children aren't old enough yet, but I can assure you that we will indeed allow it. But, much like you, it will be limited in time and will only be for games that they can play cooperatively or by themselves that will also help develop skills/learning abilities, etc. Yes, there are other things to be done, but we're in the day and age where computers are commonplace! Why deprive them of that 100%?! We don't have cable because I find a lot of the shows out there to be stupid, but we do download some of the better choices so that she can watch one every now and again.
Which would you prefer, a TV show where they MIGHT be paying attention and learning? Or a game that actually requires them to be paying attention and interacting as well as working together with someone else? I think the latter is the better of the choices.
No, this doesn't mean you can sit them infront of it all day, but no parent in their right mind would anyway! This is little blips here and there, be it making dinner, or 15 minutes before bedtime routine, etc etc.
I don't see it as being a problem at all.
And I think you may have just sold me on the V-Motion! Wahoo! Might have to go check that out!
In my household, though, it's actually the Peter that doesn't want them watching too much TV or games, etc. But I'm sure that if it's a learning one that we can do together with them, that it might not be a problem.
Happy Gaming! ;-P
wow. What a random name you have! The V Motion is just like a Wii for kids. I forgot to mention the Wii like tendencies! It's great. Have the grandparents buy it for them for Christmas or something. We got the gift from grandparents and it's awesome! I do recommend buying the cable to plug it into the wall tho (it doesn't come with one, it runs on batteries), we had a battery problem, but plugging it in fixed it.