Reading with your children is probably one of the most important things you can do to stimulate their brains. Reading helps with problem solving, imagination, learning letters, and comprehension, to name a few. Today volunteers are out collecting money for underpriviledged children to grow up with books and to learn how to read.
A quote from Life Literacy Canada
"Fifteen per cent of the Canadian adult population has serious difficulty reading even basic material. An additional 27 per cent can only deal with material that is simple and where their limited comprehension makes it difficult for them to face novel demands such as learning new job skills. In total, these two groups make up 42 per cent of adult Canadians – 9 million – who are deemed to have low literacy skills."
If these people are parents and are not teaching their kids the importance of reading, they need support from their local communities, their families, and from us. Today, I donated all of my change (about $3) to this wonderful cause. Not all of us are independently wealthy, but we can all chip in. If everyone in Canada donated $1 to this cause, there would be a lot more books on the shelves of kids' homes. Go on, Raise a Reader today!
Some of Our favorite Books: